DECEMBER 28, 2021 | BY JumpToSocial | BLOG

What Constitutes A Winning Digital Marketing Strategy?

You may have heard about digital marketing, and probably you are having one in your marketing process. But are you sure you are familiar with the nitty-gritty of digital marketing? Do you think your current digital marketing plan is doing justice in driving you a higher return on marketing investment? If you are even slightly confused with your marketing efforts or not implementing any digital marketing strategy, you are lucky to have found yourself on this page.

This blog has attempted to shed light on the most prominent digital marketing campaigns that fortune 500 companies follow. So, without dragging the conversation any further, let's dive in.

What Marketing Pieces Complete The Digital Advertising Puzzle?

Here are several components of digital marketing that fill the advertising puzzle. Let's explore each one by one.
Search Engine Optimization

It goes unsaid that without a digital presence, businesses cannot withstand today's cut-throat competition. The business landscape has become deeply saturated with brands even at a distance of a mile, giving each other hard times surviving and thriving. Your business is of no use to you if it does not satisfy your intended audience's search queries of the products that you offer. And if this is the case, your business is already DEAD!

However, with website optimization, you can enjoy the heavy relevant traffic to your business profile. Yes, we are talking about SEO. Search engine optimization has become such a crucial part of digital marketing that everyone seems to be talking about SERPS, organic results, and conversion rates. rates.

If these technologies sound unfamiliar to you, need not worry. You have many SEO services USA companies offering your comprehensive SEO services to bring your website to the top of the major search engines.

Let's forget the intricacies of the optimization process, and discuss why you need to have SEO implemented on your website.

With billions and trillions of online businesses, what do you think is the element that brings one business on the first page of the search results? Is it a random game where any business can occupy the first page, and any other business sits on the second page?

Well, the magic that brings improves the visibility of a brand on the search engines is SEO. If you are thinking of optimizing your business profile, you must contact any top-rated digital agency. Right now, the only name that tops our suggestion for a white label SEO Company is JumpToSocial.

SEO is crucial for online branding because 75% of people don't bother to navigate to the second page of the search results. It's scary because if your brand name does not dominate the first page, certain things are wrong with your website. And honestly, SEO is the brush that washes away those voids from your website and refines it to be loved by GOOGLE. Remember, Google or any other search engine only ranks your website when it meets certain criteria. Such that the content of your website must be rich and relevant, and your page loading speed must not be more than 2 seconds, and many other factors.

So, if you think you might fall behind your competition, it's high to optimize your website. Remember, just like ROME was not built in a day, SEO efforts don't bear fruits in a day. It takes time; however, the results are worth waiting for!

PPC Advertising

As mentioned earlier, SEO takes time to show results. Then what if we want to see immediate results? Digital marketing is a rainbow with various colors for your different advertising desires. To boost the ranking immediately here comes in play PPC (Pay per Click).

Believe it or not, the minute your ads go live, the very next second can be the moment when you can start witnessing quality leads to your site. If leads seem technical to you, we will use customers in the later discussion to ensure you understand the context of the article.

If you are thinking about what PPC is all about. Then don't worry. Here we debunk the term for you.

PPC is actually an advanced targeting option that allows business owners to pay only when the ads are clicked. You run ads based on the target audience's demographics, the type of device they use, and location.

The best part of this digital marketing strategy is that it is cost-effective and a huge relief to the wallet of business owners who don't want to pay advertising costs for those who are not interested.


We should have placed this option as the first digital marketing strategy, but anyways. It is better late than never.

Actually, we have assumed you must have at least a website as part of your brand marketing, but if you don't have any yet, it's high time you should make your business website. Remember, the rest of the digital marketing strategies work only when your business has an online presence in terms of a website.

Here, we would like to add that having a website doesn't mean you have honed in your customers. A good website does the trick only. What does it mean to have a good website?

Well, a result-driven website is one that is pleasing to the eyes, easy to use, and speedy to load. More particularly, effortless to understand and the one that is user-centric instead of business-centric. Remember, users are more interested in knowing how you satisfy their certain needs and wants. If you keep your technically flavored, users will likely feel no appetite to taste the essence of your offerings. Thus, it is vital to make your website impressive as well as relevant.

And yes, don't forget to make your website responsive, such that it must load on a similar pattern on different gadgets. Here you will need to ensure the mobile-friendliness attribute in the website design process while opting for web content writing services.

content Marketing

You must have come across the line saying, "Content is the KING." Yes, indeed, it is.

It goes unsaid that content has the power similar to that of KING because it can make the entire kingdom (the internet users) die-hard followers.

As a business owner, you must cash in on the power of the content to market your offerings, i.e., products or services. And to be totally honest, you can't afford to overlook the importance of content because if you are explaining who you are, you need words to describe. If you are highlighting the attributes of the products you are selling, you need words to weigh the characteristics of the products.

Even in a survey, it has been found that content marketing brings 3 times more leads than traditional marketing methods. And we are totally in favor of this relationship because if this were not the case, you would not be to this point of the article!

However, creating good content that drives results and brings customers to your business arsenal is not everyone's forte. It needs creativity, creativity, and creativity. If you think the content you posted one month before can still be working today, you are thinking wrong. Since every day, a new trend in marketing and new affairs happen in the digital realm makes it mandatory to infuse the content with the elements of freshness.

As a good rule of thumb, your content should play the 80/20 harmony code. This means, 80 percent of your content must be educational while the remaining must be marketing your products and services.

Last but not least, users stick to your business when they find your content relevant, genuine, and rich. And yes, don't forget to add CTAs at the end of your content, no matter web copy or social media marketing copy. Because this way, you make the shopping spirit alive if it has died in the journey of reading your marketing content.

Social Media Marketing

Did you know how many are actively using social media? Whopping 2.3 billion people worldwide.

With such a gigantic figure of masses active on social media, do you think of any other medium where you can address your ideal audience segment? A big NO.

Marketing through social media is not just about posting product images with attributes. It does require a wholesome amount of effort and research before conducting social media marketing.

Talking about the benefits of social media, well, they are endless. It helps:

  • Increase brand awareness.
  • Showcase your products and services to a significant number of people.
  • Your voices reach across the globe without any geographical confinement.
  • In interacting with the probable and target customers.
  • Maintain relationships with the customers.
  • In earning the users' trust.
  • And a lot more benefits are there!
Above all else, marketing through social media helps business owners break the competition without breaking the bank. Social media management packages are worth investing a few bucks for astonishing results.

Email Marketing

Though this marketing target is old; however, it is still effective in spreading awareness about the incoming events, discounts, offers, contests, and much more. In the digital marketing realm, this particular marketing strategy was once knowns as the great lead-nurturing strategy.

Needless to say, through email marketing, you can follow up with your intended customers and communicate your services or products with them. And if you think email marketing will be a tough row to how then there is good news. Many software allows you to create and design engaging emails tailored to a particular audience segment.

It's Your Turn Now!

In the end, we will suggest you create a mix of the above-mentioned digital marketing strategies instead of relying on a particular strategy. Whether you need to get the best local SEO services or content marketing, digital agencies may assist you in achieving your marketing goals.


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  • Meta Tags Creation
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  • 1 infographics
  • Link Building
  • 15 Submissions
  • 15 Classifieds
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  • 15 Business Profiles
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  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
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  • 1 infographics
  • 1 Videos (non Voice-over)
  • Link Building
  • 20 Submissions
  • 20 Classifieds
  • 20 Community Participation
  • 20 Business Profiles
  • Website
  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing page Optimization
  • Call To Actions
  • Site Speed Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Image Optimization
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  • Promotional Content
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  • 15 Submissions
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  • Web Content Optimization
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  • 1 infographics
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  • Link Building
  • 20 Submissions
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  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing page Optimization
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  • Site Speed Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Image Optimization
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    Great for new start ups and businesses new to SEO! A solid first step towards conversions.

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  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
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    Highly sought after by companies who want to increase their conversions and market share!

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  • 1 infographics
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  • 15 Submissions
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  • 15 Business Profiles
  • Website
  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing page Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Image Optimization
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Google Analytics Installation
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    Highly recommended by our SEO experts, this package has delivered clients the best results!

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  • 2 Press Releases
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  • 1 infographics
  • 1 Videos (non Voice-over)
  • Link Building
  • 20 Submissions
  • 20 Community Participation
  • 20 Business Profiles
  • 20 Classifieds
  • Website
  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing page Optimization
  • Call To Actions
  • Site Speed Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Image Optimization
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Google Analytics Installation
  • Reporting
  • Monthly Progress Report
  • Features
  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • 24 HR Support, 5 Days a Week
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  • 100% Money Back Guarantee
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