JULY 27, 2022 | BY JumpToSocial | BLOG

Roofing SEO Services Marketing Ideas in 2022

Is your phone ringing as expected to book more jobs? The effect of COVID-19 has undoubtedly caused a decline in sales for roofers. As property owners adjust, it's essential that you invest in Roofing SEO for generating exclusive roofing leads and securing new business or risk being left behind.

The roofing industry faces many problems, including high customer involvement, lack of specialized marketing agencies, and poor reputation.

The majority struggle to attract new customers partly because they have a hard time competing with other businesses who offer similar services for less money or even free, depending on your area.

Keep on reading this article if you want to market your roofing company and stay ahead of the competition.

Roofing SEO

Marketing Ideas – Online

Create an Effective, Functional Roofing Website Optimized for Search and Conversions

Roofing is a high ticket item that needs to have an excellent level of client trust. 75% judge the credibility based on your website design, and if it's not current or functional, then they will most likely move on to another company that has a better web presence for marketing purposes than you do.

Your website should be sleek and modern. It's the first thing people see when they Google your company, so make sure it looks professional. Use educational content to inform browsers about what you have available, as well as add interactive elements that allow potential customers to ask questions or request more information without leaving their browser window open too long (that would get overwhelming).

Your roofing website design is the first impression you make to your potential clients. Optimize it for conversions and SEO so that when they're looking online, their search ends with a scheduled appointment or purchase from you.

Invest in SEO to Get Found in Local Searches

There are many reasons why investing in SEO is a must to get found in local searches. Some of the most important benefits include:

Increased website traffic – When you invest in SEO, you will gain greater visibility on search engines and attract more visitors to your site. This can help increase sales, improve brand awareness, and grow your business.

Improved brand recognition – Good SEO can help improve your brand’s recognition and online presence. This can lead to more customers and clients, as well as improved sales and profits.business's true potential!

Higher search engine rankings – One of the main goals of SEO is to improve your website’s ranking on search engines. This can help you get found by more potential customers and clients, allowing you to get more leads and sales.

Greater online visibility – SEO can help increase your website’s online visibility, which will result in more traffic and brand recognition. This can be an effective way to reach new customers and grow your business.

If you want to get found in local searches and improve your business, investing in effective SEO strategies is essential. With the right approach and tools, you can get great results that will help your business grow and succeed.

As a roofing contractor, it is important to invest in SEO to get found in local searches. This is because potential customers are more likely to search for roofers online using keywords such as "roofing contractors near me." By optimizing your website for these keywords, you can increase your chances of appearing in the search results and getting found by potential customers.

Run a

PPC Campaign

to Get Immediate Results

A PPC campaign can help roofers get immediate results by targeting potential customers actively searching for specific services on the internet. By setting up a carefully optimized ad campaign, you can get your website in front of these people and entice them to click through to your site. This can help you generate more leads and increase sales quickly without having to wait for organic traffic to come to your site. If you're looking to get immediate results from your marketing efforts, setting up a PPC campaign is a great way to go.

A PPC Campaign can help roofers get immediate results because it allows them to target their advertising to people already searching for roofing services. This means that they can reach potential customers who are actively looking for what they have to offer, and they can do so without having to wait for organic traffic to build up over time. In addition, a PPC campaign can be customized to target specific keywords and geographical areas, which helps to ensure that the right people see the ads. Ultimately, this type of campaign can help roofers get more leads and conversions, and it can do so quickly and effectively.

PPC campaigns are a great way to bring immediate results for your business. By targeting potential customers through relevant keywords and phrases, you can reach them when they are actively searching for what you have to offer.

PPC campaigns can be customized to target specific demographics, interests, and even locations, so you can make sure that your ads are reaching the right people. And, because you only pay when someone clicks on your ad, you can control your budget and get the most out of your marketing spend.

If you’re looking for a way to bring in quick results for your business, a PPC campaign is a great option. With the right approach, you can reach your target audience and generate leads and sales in no time.

Connect With Your Prospects through

Social Media Advertising


There are a lot of benefits of using social media advertising for roofers. Some of the biggest advantages include:

Reach a Wider Audience

One of the biggest advantages of using social media ads is that you can reach a much larger audience than you would be with traditional marketing methods. This is because online platforms like Facebook and Twitter have millions of users, many of whom are potential customers for your business.

Better Targeting Capabilities

Another advantage of using social media ads is that they allow you to target specific demographics and interests. For example, if you run a roofing company in Seattle, you can use Facebook's location-based targeting feature to show your ads to people who live or work nearby. You can also target people based on their age, gender, and interests, which allows you to target your ads more effectively.

Improved ROI

Finally, another significant advantage of using social media advertising for roofers is that it can help improve your return on investment (ROI). Because the targeting capabilities of these ads are so precise, you can focus on people who are likely to be interested in your services and are most likely to convert into customers. This can help you to save money and increase revenue over time.

In conclusion, there are many benefits of using social media advertising for roofers. Whether you're looking to reach a wider audience or improve your ROI, social media ads have the potential to help you achieve your business goals.

Use Video Marketing to Showcase Your Roofing Projects and Brand


Video marketing can help roofers in a couple of key ways. First, video can be used as a way to showcase completed projects and highlight the quality of craftsmanship. This can be especially useful for potential new clients who may not be familiar with the company. Secondly, video can be used to promote the brand and raise awareness of the company's services. By creating engaging and informative videos, roofers can reach a wider audience and attract new business. Ultimately, video marketing is a powerful tool that roofers can use to increase their visibility and grow their business.

There are many different ways roofers can use video marketing to their advantage. One of the most effective strategies is to create videos that highlight completed projects, showcasing the quality of work and the unique features of each roofing project. This can be a great way to attract new clients who may not know much about your company or its services. Additionally, you can use video to promote your brand and raise awareness about what sets your company apart from other roofers in the area. Through engaging and informative videos, you can reach a wider audience and grow your business over time.

Overall, there are many benefits to using video marketing for roofers. Whether you are looking to showcase completed projects or promote your brand, video marketing can help you reach your goals. With its ability to engage and inform viewers, video marketing is a powerful tool that roofers can use to increase their visibility and attract new business. Contact a video marketing roofing SEO agency today to learn more about how you can use video to grow your roofing business.

Solicit Genuine Online Customer Reviews

Online reviews are a great way for roofers to expand their business and reach new customers. Reviews provide valuable feedback from current and past clients, allowing roofers to gain insight into what they can do to improve their services. Additionally, positive reviews can help boost the reputation of your company, attracting more prospective clients and improving your chances of securing new business. To effectively leverage online reviews, roofers should focus on responding to all customer feedback in a timely manner and ensuring that any issues or concerns are resolved promptly. By doing so, you can build strong relationships with your clients and ensure that they continue to refer others to your business in the future. Ultimately, by leveraging online reviews effectively, roofers can grow their businesses and reach more customers than ever before.

Blog about the Latest Trends in Roofing Industry


Blogs on recent topics can help roofing businesses stay ahead of the curve by allowing them to keep up-to-date with industry trends and best practices. By regularly publishing blog posts on emerging advancements in roofing technology, materials, and installation methods, business owners can ensure that their customers are always receiving the highest quality service possible. Additionally, roofing companies can continue to refine and improve their offerings over time by keeping a close eye on emerging competitors in the market and monitoring customer feedback about their services. Whether you are a new business looking for ways to grow your client base or an established company seeking to maintain your competitive edge, using blogs to stay current with industry trends is one of the most effective ways to succeed in today's highly competitive marketplace.

Nurture Roofing Leads to Convert With Email Marketing


If you're like most roofing contractors, you've probably tried various marketing methods and a marketing plan to generate leads. But have you considered using email marketing?

Email marketing can be an effective way to nurture your roofing leads and convert them into customers. Here are some tips to get started:

Keep Your Emails Relevant And Targeted.

Don't send generic emails that are not relevant to your recipients. Make sure your messages are targeted to their needs and interests.

Personalize Your Emails.

Recipients are more likely to engage with an email that feels personal rather than one that looks like it was mass-produced. Take the time to include the recipient's name in the subject line and body of your message.

Be Responsive To Recipients' Needs and Questions.

Make sure you respond in a timely manner to any questions or concerns that come up from your recipients. This will help build trust and strengthen the relationship between you and those contacts.

Deliver Valuable, Useful Content To Your Recipients On A Regular Basis.

Be consistent with the types of information you share so that your subscribers know what to expect each time they receive an email from you. And don't be afraid to mix things up every now and then-offer special deals or discounts, or share relevant industry news, for example. You'll keep people interested in what you have to say while helping them become better informed about roofing in general.

Email marketing can be a powerful tool for roofing contractors looking to generate leads and convert them into customers. By following these tips, you can create email campaigns that are targeted, personal, and responsive and that deliver valuable content to your recipients on a regular basis.

Ask Roofing Material Manufacturers for Backlinks

Linking to your website from other sites will help improve search rankings and online visibility. Roofers are typically listed on suppliers' pages, so it's important that you sign up for this service if possible.

Set up Call Tracking

You need to be on top of your game when it comes time for roofing. The most important thing is that you track the leads so they don't slip through the cracks! With Google Ads and analytics tools in place – along with call tracking-you'll make sure no one falls off before knowing what their problem was all about or how we can help fix things up right away.

Use Geofencing Advertising to Reach More Roofing Leads Online

With geolocation, you can reach out and engage with potential customers in new ways. You no longer have to worry about pesky ads showing up on their social media feeds; Geofencing will ensure only those within a certain radius get reached.

When property owners enter the fence, they get notifications from your roofing company or see an ad on Facebook related to your business. They might be prompted to contact you about it!

Roofing businesses should focus on conferences, trade shows, and other events where their prospects frequent. It is an excellent way to get attendees exposed for the first time ever to your company's services or products! Geofencing presents a perfect opportunity that will allow you to target potential customers in areas they may be thinking about what it would take to fix up some roofs of theirs before selling them one. However, make sure not only do I give out information but also talk about custom solutions.

Use Analytics to Measure Your Roofing Advertising Campaign Success

If you want to know how your roofing website performs against rivals, then it's important that tracking or measuring results are done. This allows for an accurate representation of what works well with the company and where improvements may need to be made, so they can continue providing great customer service while increasing sales in future campaigns.

Tracking the success of your internet marketing campaign shouldn't stop at site traffic and rankings. To make sure that you're getting all possible analytics, track things like conversion rates to ensure a successful outcome for both yourself as well as potential customers.

Measure Advertising, Revenue, and Sales

The best way to pay your crew is with income or revenue. This will give you an idea of how successful marketing for roofing has been, as it affects the money coming into this company each day.

You can't properly measure the success of your roofing company without tracking how many leads you have and what their buying journey on site is like. A good strategy for SEO for roofing contractors will involve measuring qualified traffic and conversion rates and getting involved in CRO optimization to make sure that all potential customers are converting into paying clients for years.

You also need to track the number of calls received through various online marketing initiatives like Google Ads and Facebook ads. This will let you know how effective your campaign was in generating sales for that specific product or service, as well as which ones were most popular with potential customers.

Use Retargeting Ads

Have you ever been running a search on the internet, and then, all of a sudden, there's an ad for something similar? It seems like these days that whenever I'm looking up roofing contractors or services, someone has itched to follow me around. This is called retargeted advertising; it means they are going straight into your social media feed with ads about their business.

Retargeting uses the information collected from a prospect’s previous online searching behavior to show up relevant ads. This can be used, for instance, if someone has been researching how much an average roof costs and then sees your ad when they land on our site – even though he or she was not actively looking specifically at roofs!

Roofing is a competitive market, but with retargeting ads, you can get your brand in front of potential customers. Retention marketing helps grow on minimal budgets by showing up when they're online and reminding them about what got them there in the first place – roofs for their homes or businesses.

Offline Roofing Marketing Ideas to Reach New Prospects

Make Money from Bad Weather

With a focus on local and seasonal needs, you can create campaigns in response to weather events.

Gutters are an important part of your home's infrastructure. They protect the foundation and exterior walls from water damage by catching rainwater that would otherwise flow down onto surfaces such as decks or walkways below it.

This means you should never underestimate their role in protecting these aspects during times when there might be increased risks due to storms.

PPC ads can provide roofing contractors with a great way of targeting their marketing both locally and seasonally. Since you create PPC campaigns faster, they are perfect for taking advantage when there's bad weather coming up or ongoing storms that need coverage.

You can save yourself from wasting marketing dollars by choosing specific locations and only displaying ads to prospects in those areas. It also allows for more targeted advertising campaigns that will be much better crafted, knowing exactly where they need attention than trying guesswork by guessing what regions or cities may want your product/service.

Sponsor a Local Event or Sports Team

Consider sponsoring a local team and branding your business on their caps, shirts, or billboards. You can create memorable marketing materials at little cost by using sponsorship opportunities such as logos emblazoned across event sponsors' gear.

Run a Direct Mail Campaign

Roofing SEO is a long-term investment, and it’s important to get the right clients. When you are looking for new business owners or customers who may not be aware of your services, there's no better way than through direct mail campaigns that will grab their attention with creative designs like folded tents inviting them in! Think outside traditional methods by including offers tailored toward specific needs—maybe include one about exclusive rebates if this particular client has an upcoming project on hand?

Trade Shows to Get New Commercial Roofing Leads

Trade shows are a great opportunity to meet new people and get partnerships. You can offer visitors something they will find valuable, such as educational content on home improvement or residential roof repairs-whatever your niche is! Ask them if you could follow up with those who come by their stand after the show ends; this way, there's no chance anyone gets left behind in an already crowded market.

Give Away Something for Free

Roofing businesses should be creative and offer freebies to stand out from the competition. This roof marketing strategy will boost your brand awareness, which is important for property owners who want a quality product at an affordable price.

Offer a free deal such as an estimate or inspection to make your prospects think of you every time they need a contractor for their roof.

Get Involved In the Local Community

There are many ways to market your roofing services, but one of the best is getting involved in your local community. You can either help fix a roof or do volunteer work for other businesses within reach; no matter what you choose, make sure it's branded with logos and colors so people know who gave them this service! Posting on social media profiles will allow others to see that you care about their well-being while assisting them in gaining exposure, too – you should also optimize the website for search and create a GMB listing with an address (and maybe even set up an account) now because when folks search "Roofing Companies” yours might come up first on search results.

How to Market Your Roofing Company-Wrap Up

With the roofing marketing ideas above, you can ensure that your company will have a successful future.

If you want to take your roofing business to the next level, have our roofing SEO Company, JumpToSocial, on your side to witness astronomical growth.

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Breaking Your Bank!

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