Imagine Sarah, a traveler, planning her next vacation. She types into her search bar, hoping to find a hotel just like yours. But alas, she books elsewhere. Why? She couldn’t find your hotel easily on the Internet. Don’t let this be your story.

Let’s start with a simple truth: travelers, like Sarah, search for hotels online before they book. You miss out if your hotel isn’t easy to find on Google. Big time. But the good news? With the right steps, you can be the first hotel Sarah sees when she searches. Let’s learn how.

SEO for hotels


The Role Of SEO In The Hotel Industry

Think of SEO as the magic trick that brings your hotel to the top of online searches. SEO isn’t just about using fancy words. It’s about understanding what travelers search for and making sure your hotel’s website matches those searches.

Imagine a big spotlight. Right now, it might be shining on other hotels. But with good SEO, you can shift that spotlight to shine brightly on yours. When your hotel appears at the top of Google search, more Sarahs can find you, click on your website, and make a booking.

5 Benefits Of Ranking Your Hotel At The 1st Position On Google

Here’s why that No. 1 spot is golden:

Benefits Why It Matters for Your Hotel
  1. More Visibility More people see your hotel first, before others.
  2. Increased Clicks Travelers are more likely to click on the first result they see.
  3. Higher Trust Being at the top makes your hotel seem more trustworthy and reliable.
  4. More Bookings More clicks usually lead to more bookings. More bookings mean more business.
  5. Less Money on Ads When you rank high, you might not need to spend as much on online advertising.

With the right SEO steps, your hotel can stand out, grab attention, and become Sarah’s first choice. It’s time to make sure your hotel shines brighter than the rest on Google!

Wondering how to do SEO for hotels? Here we are Presenting you with 5 Tips to Drive Rankings, Traffic & Bookings.

1. Hotel-Specific Keyword Research

Let’s chat about keywords. Imagine they’re like breadcrumbs leading Sarah straight to your hotel’s door online. When she types words into Google, you want her to find your hotel first, right? That’s where keywords come in!

hotel seo

Why Keywords?

  • They’re the signposts on the internet road.
  • They tell Google, “Hey, this is what our hotel is all about!”

Think Like a Traveler:

Start with basics: “boutique hotel in [city]” or “[city] hotel deals”. Got a cool rooftop? Try best rooftop hotels in [city]”.

Landmarks are Key:

People love visiting famous spots. Use: “hotels near [famous site]”.

Using the right words, Sarah’s search can lead her straight to you! So, keep thinking: what might Sarah type into Google? Those are your golden keywords.


2. Fast-Loading Website with Hotel Gallery

Okay, let’s imagine this: Sarah finds your hotel on Google. Exciting, right? But then, she clicks on it and… waits… and waits. The site’s taking forever to load. She might just give up and go to another site. Ouch! You don’t want that. Let’s ensure it doesn’t happen.


seo hotel

Why a Speedy Site?

  • No one likes waiting, especially travelers in a hurry.
  • A fast site says, “We care about your time!”

 Add a Dash of Visuals:

  • Pictures speak a thousand words. Show Sarah what she’ll get.
  • A good gallery lets guests peek inside your hotel before they book.

Now, how to keep things speedy and pretty? Here you go:

Steps How to Do It
1. Pick the Best Don’t upload all photos. Choose the best ones. Quality over quantity!
2. Resize Images Make pictures smaller in size, but not in how they look. There are online tools that help with this.
3. Compress Use tools like TinyPNG or They shrink photo sizes without making them look bad.
4. Limit Videos Videos are great but have just a few. And make sure they’re optimized too!


3. Mobile-Friendly Booking Experience

Ever noticed how much we use our phones? Whether we’re on the bus, in a café, or just lounging at home, our phones are almost always with us. And guess what? Sarah’s no different.

She might decide to book a hotel room while sipping coffee or waiting for a friend. That’s why making sure your hotel’s booking experience is mobile-friendly is super important.


seo for hotel industry

Why Mobile?

  • Today, phones are like mini-computers. Most people use them for everything!
  • Booking on-the-go is a thing. And it’s big.
  • If Sarah can book easily from her phone, she’s more likely to choose your hotel.

On-The-Go Bookings

Imagine: Sarah’s at a café. She thinks, “Let’s plan the trip!” So, she starts searching on her phone. She’ll love it if your site works smoothly on mobile.

Screen Matters

Phone screens are smaller. Your website should fit well and look good on them. No one likes to pinch and zoom too much!

Clicks & Tabs

Big fingers, small screen. Buttons should be big enough to click easily. And not too close together either.

Now, how can you make the mobile booking dreamy for Sarah and others? Let’s dive in:


6 Steps for a Great Mobile Experience:

  1. Simple Design: Keep it neat. Less clutter. Easy menus. Think of it as tidying up for your guests, but online.
  2. Fast Load Time: Remember how we talked about speed earlier? It’s even more important on mobile. A slow site might make Sarah think it’s broken.
  3. Easy Forms: If Sarah decides to book, make it easy for her. Short forms, clear instructions, and big clickable buttons are the way to go.
  4. Instant Confirmation: Once she books, tell her right away. A quick confirmation message can make her feel great about choosing your hotel.
  5. Clear Pictures: Show her the room, the pool, the view – but make sure the pictures load fast and look good on her screen.
  6. Feedback: Let folks tell you if something’s off. A simple feedback button can help you fix any little issues.


By following these steps, you’re not just offering a room. You’re offering a hassle-free experience right from the start.

Remember, the easier and smoother you make it for Sarah to book from her phone, the happier she’ll be. And a happy guest even before they arrive? That’s a win in any hotelier’s book!


4. Local SEO: Pin Your Hotel on the Map

Ever searched for a place and clicked on that handy map that pops up? Most of us have. When someone types “hotels near me” or “best hotels in [city]”, you want your hotel to be right there on that map, waving hello! That’s what Local SEO does. And when we talk about how to do SEO for hotels, Local SEO is a game-changer.


hotel seo

Why Local SEO?

  • People trust maps. If you’re on it, they see you as legit.
  • If Sarah’s looking for a hotel in your city, she’ll probably check the map first. Be there to greet her!
  • Maps give more than just location. Photos, reviews, and quick info? It’s all there.


Shine on Google Business Profile

This is your hotel’s online card. It’s a quick peek for any traveler, showing them what you offer. Here’s how to make it awesome:

Steps How To Do It
1. Update Photos Fresh photos grab attention. Show updated rooms, lobby, pool, everything!
2. List Amenities Free Wi-Fi? Gym? Spa? List them all. Make Sarah think, “I want that!”
3. Check Contact Info Ensure your phone number, email, and website link work.
4. Add Special Offers Got a discount or special package? Share it here.


Reviews: The Goldmine

  • Think of reviews as stories from past guests. Sarah will read them to imagine her stay.
  • Good or bad, always reply. It shows you care. Thank someone for the praise. If it’s a complaint, promise to make things better.

When thinking about how to do SEO for hotels, remember it’s all about making it easy for travelers to find you, learn about you, and pick you.

With Local SEO, you put your hotel right on the map, literally and figuratively. It’s like setting up a big signpost that says, “Hey Sarah, we’re right here. Come on in!” And once you’ve nailed that, you’re already ahead in the race.


5. Engaging Content on Local Attractions

So, you’ve got Sarah’s attention with your awesome hotel. But wait, there’s more you can offer! Think about the places around your hotel.

Museums, parks, festivals, or that hidden gem of a café. Why not tell Sarah all about it? By creating content on local attractions, you’re not just promoting your hotel. You’re selling an experience.


hotel seo

Why Focus on Local Spots?

  • Travelers love exploring. Give them a head start.
  • It makes their trip planning easier. Less Googling for them!
  • When they know there’s cool stuff nearby, they’ll be more inclined to book.

Blog It Out

  • Got a website? Great! Add a blog section.
  • Write about the awesome jazz festival next month or that historic museum two blocks away.
  • Photos, fun facts, tips – that works. Make Sarah think, “Wow, I’ve got to see that!”


Team Up Locally

  • Got a neighboring café or a nearby boutique? Join hands!
  • Offer deals like “Stay with us and get a 10% discount”.
  • They can do the same. It’s a win-win.

Guide Your Guests

  • Create simple itineraries. Like “A Day in [City Name]”.
  • Include breakfast at your hotel, morning at the museum, lunch at a local eatery, evening at a park, and dinner back at your hotel.
  • Add in travel tips. Maybe a local bus route or the best time to visit certain spots.

Think of your content as your hotel’s friendly local guide. It’s there to help, advise, and make sure guests have an amazing time.

When Sarah reads about the fun places she can visit and the experiences she can have – all suggested by your hotel – it adds value to her stay. It’s not just a room anymore.

It’s a memorable trip, with your hotel at the heart of it. And that’s a selling point no traveler can resist!


Wrapping Up!

From ensuring Sarah finds your hotel with the right keywords to offering her engaging content about local attractions, SEO is the golden ticket in the hotel industry.

With a fast-loading website showcasing your best shots, a seamless mobile booking experience, and the magic of local SEO, you’re setting the stage for success.

But, remember, the digital world moves fast. Staying at the top means continuously updating and optimizing.

Want more guests? JumpToSocial makes your hotel more visible online. Let’s climb up to the ladder of bookings together!

Break Your Competition Without
Breaking Your Bank!

Our result-oriented SEO services come at the most sensible rates ever. We propose multiple pricing
SEO packages to best suit your varying budgets and business goals.



Great for new start ups and businesses new to SEO! A solid first step towards conversions.

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  • 2 Articles (400 words)
  • 2 Blogs (500 words)
  • Link Building
  • 10 Submissions
  • 10 Classifieds
  • 10 Community Participation
  • 10 Business Profiles
  • Website
  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Google Analytics Installation
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  • 4 Articles (400 words)
  • 4 Blogs (500 words)
  • 1 Press Releases
  • Promotional Content
  • 1 infographics
  • Link Building
  • 15 Submissions
  • 15 Classifieds
  • 15 Community Participation
  • 15 Business Profiles
  • Website
  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing page Optimization
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  • 1 infographics
  • 1 Videos (non Voice-over)
  • Link Building
  • 20 Submissions
  • 20 Classifieds
  • 20 Community Participation
  • 20 Business Profiles
  • Website
  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing page Optimization
  • Call To Actions
  • Site Speed Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Image Optimization
  • Conversion Tracking
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  • 10 Classifieds
  • 10 Community Participation
  • 10 Business Profiles
  • Website
  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Google Analytics Installation
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  • 15 Submissions
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  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
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  • 1 infographics
  • 1 Videos (non Voice-over)
  • Link Building
  • 20 Submissions
  • 20 Classifieds
  • 20 Community Participation
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  • Website
  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing page Optimization
  • Call To Actions
  • Site Speed Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Image Optimization
  • Conversion Tracking
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  • 10 Classifieds
  • 10 Community Participation
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  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
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  • Conversion Tracking
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  • 1 infographics
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  • 15 Submissions
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  • 15 Business Profiles
  • Website
  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing page Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Image Optimization
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Google Analytics Installation
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  • 1 infographics
  • 1 Videos (non Voice-over)
  • Link Building
  • 20 Submissions
  • 20 Community Participation
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  • 20 Classifieds
  • Website
  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing page Optimization
  • Call To Actions
  • Site Speed Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Image Optimization
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Google Analytics Installation
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